While Information Technology is not an industry segment, many of the RuleXpress customers use RuleXpress to communicate vocabulary and rules to an IT department (among others). One of the biggest determinants of success in a business rules implementation project (using a BRMS to implement one or more decisions) is an understanding of the rules you need to implement. Being able to capture and manage the source rules in a tool like RuleXpress will help drive the implementation and help enormously.
If your organization just acquired a Business Rules Management Suite (BRMS) or rule engine, RuleXpress is a good companion. You can go directly from the regulations and policies to the BRMS but it often makes more sense to pull together the various policies, regulations and best practices that exist and derive the rules that are required in a business or logical sense. Only then will it be clear what production rules need to be implemented.
Using RuleXpress to manage this intermediate step will make it easier to make sure you implement the RIGHT rules in your BRMS.